Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I have SexyBack stuck in my head ...

because one of my co-workers is totally obsessed with it - it's drivin' me nuts!

but that's beside the point.

the point is - I don't feel I have a political ax to grind, or I didn't. I don' think of myself as that political even, I didn't vote until 2000 and I was in my thirties - but there are some people who can't divorce their politics from their work ...

the station has become OBSESSED with this one story, we're running it over and over and over again and the story itself, yeah, it's a good story it should be told but the frequency and the fervency at which we're running it? and I know we're really doing it because the people I work for have their own ax to grind - don't let anyone tell you there's such a thing as a "liberal media," the media's too stupid to coordinate itself well enough to lean left or right, or choose the center.

We media folks report whatever stupid thing we happen to be consumed with on a given news day ...


Anonymous said...

yeah, SexyBack is hella good!
perfect dance music!

Tyler Jackson said...

Um, yeah, it's a good song, sure, but ... is that you Brian?