Friday, June 6, 2008

Talk Amongst Yourselves. Here's a topic...

Don't have a ton of time to blog right now, but I figured I need to post more often, so here's something we all need reminding about from time to time...

yellow journalism
n. Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers.

1. subject matter, language, or style producing or designed to produce startling or thrilling impressions or to excite and please vulgar taste.
2. the use of or interest in this subject matter, language, or style: The cheap tabloids relied on sensationalism to increase their circulation.

And this is a particularly edifying link...


Angela said...

I love "startling and thrilling impressions" !

Tyler Jackson said...

Who doesn't?

I have a pretty "startling and thrilling impression" of Sean Connery. I'll have to show you some time (when you're sitting down).